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Tadalafil 10mg

  • By: Dr Sophia Miller
  • Jul 02, 2021
Tadalafil 10mg

Tadalafil is a licensed generic medication that was made to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Since its official release in 2003, this medication has achieved numerous successes in treating ED symptoms. This FDA approved treatment is praised by medical professionals and patients alike for its widespread abilities and is often used as a first-line treatment. Studies also show that this medication helps treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 

However, it remains most famous for its effectiveness in treating erectile dysfunction (ED) and erection problems. The tablet also has an excellent safety and efficacy profile which is partly due to its composition. Young adult males and the elderly can use the pill as it has an excellent tolerability profile and a low side effect rate. This generic tablet is bioequivalent to its predecessor, Cialis and carries a more affordable price tag. This is one of the reasons why it is the preferred choice of treatment. 

Are you interested in learning what is tadalafil used for? Have you heard about getting longer lasting erections and want to know how long does tadalafil last? Perhaps you want to skip long queues at the pharmacy and need to know where can you buy tadalafil online? If these questions apply to you, reading further as we introduce what is tadalafil and how men are using it to spice up their relationships and sexual performance.

What is Tadalafil 10 mg Used For?

ED is a disorder that affects a man's ability to produce and sustain an erection that is adequate for sexual intercourse. The disorder can be caused by several emotional or physical issues and can sometimes even be an indicating factor signaling the development of a disease. In such cases, erectile dysfunction medication such as tadalafil is employed to rectify the issue. Tadalafil 10 mg is used for ED that stems from physical or mental conditions. This tablet should not be confused with treatments that affect ejaculation as the tadalafil primary purpose is to reinstate erections only.

The pill is best used in conjunction with sexual stimulation as it helps carry out its mechanism of action more appropriately. The tablet is also used to manage and control symptoms associated with enlarged prostates (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH). BPH symptoms include the inability to urinate when the urge arises, weak stream, or the need to urinate urgently or frequently during the day or night. The pill relaxes the smooth muscle found in both the prostate and bladder, which subsequently eases BPH and erectile dysfunction symptoms.

Despite popular belief, what is tadalafil used for does not protect users against STDs such as HIV, hepatitis B, or syphilis. It is of utmost importance that patient's practice 'safe sex'-use a condom with every sexual encounter.

How to Use Tadalafil 10 mg Safely

In the past, acquiring a conservative erectile dysfunction treatment was almost impossible as most options available were invasive and posed possible risks. Now patients can rest easy as there are several ED treatments on the market, one of the most popular being tadalafil 10 mg. According to studies, no matter how severe the patients condition is tadalafil safety is well-tolerated for the variety of patients can use.

Although the pill is tolerable and side effects are rare, caution still needs to be taken when using it. There are certain health conditions and medicines that negatively interact with the tadalafil compound.

Below is a detailed look at some of these contraindicating factors that may affect safety:

Contraindicating Health Conditions Contraindicating Medication
A blood cell disorder such as sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma, or leukemia Another erectile dysfunction medication
Heart disease or heart rhythm problems Certain anti-fungal medication
High or low blood pressure Blood pressure medication
Pulmonary hypertension HIV medication
Vision loss, or retinitis pigmentosa Recreational drugs and alcohol
Liver or kidney disease Some antibiotics
Stomach ulcers Nitrites and opioids

In addition to taking note of the above, patients must follow usage and dosage guidelines to ensure they have a safe treatment experience that produces the desired results. Below is expert derived usage guidelines that should be adhered to when using this tablet:

  • Do not split, break, crush or chew the tablet. Instead, swallow the pill whole with a glass of water.
  • Stay away from grapefruit or grapefruit products when using this medication.
  • Follow the dose and frequency instructions prescribed by a medical practitioner.
  • Stay hydrated before, during and after intercourse.
  • Do not double dose for any reason.

Is Tadalafil 10 mg the Only Available Strength?

Medication strength refers to the amount of active ingredient in each tablet. Some medicines have more than one active ingredient, referred to as compound medicines, while others like tadalafil have one. The active ingredient in this tablet is tadalafil, a substance known for its ability to naturally rebalance receptors and neurotransmitters.

Each tadalafil dosage schedule comes with different strength prescriptions to suit the individual needs of the user. The tablet is available in the following strengths:

  • 2.5 mg
  • 5 mg,
  • 10 mg
  • 20 mg

The availability of multiple strengths gives patients and medical professionals the flexibility to implement a dosage schedule that perfectly accommodates patients' needs. It also gives patients more room to experiment or identify a dose that best suits their condition. Patients are urged to change the doses gradually at least 3 to 4 days apart when experimenting with doses. Experts find that using the titration method works best when altering doses. Response to treatment must be noted, and once the perfect dose is found, it must be locked in.

How Long Does Tadalafil Last?

The proven efficacy of this medication answers the question, is tadalafil safe. The popularity of this medication comes from its impeccable safety profiles as week as from how long does tadalafil last. A single dose swallowed with a glass of water rapidly metabolizes and absorbs into the blood in as little as 45 minutes. Once it reaches peak concentration, it stays active for up to 36 hours, unlike other types of short acting treatments. The longer lasting effect does not mean users will have an erection for 36 hours, it means they can get an erection at any time within 36 hours.

In order for the medication to provide results, users must be sexually stimulated so nitric oxide can be released and start the process. Due to the long lasting activation times, users can achieve strong on demand erections multiple times over, between doses. Men using this medication report the power and efficacy as being just what they needed to give their sex life a much needed boost.

Whether this medication is needed for ED or BPH, the recommendation on how to use tadalafil is once daily as part of a treatment plan. By taking one daily dose, at the same time every day helps to ensure constant relief without the potential burden of side effects. A standard treatment plan should come with a dosing schedule so patients can keep track of usage to ensure they get the full benefits. Adding a healthy nutrition and aerobic exercise routine to a daily treatment plan helps improve sexual ability even more along with using these powerful pills.

Is Tadalafil 10 mg Safe for Use?

Unlike other erectile dysfunction pills, this tablet can be used both long and short term. According to studies, the tablet can be safely used long term to manage ED without the risk of dependence or tolerance. This serves as a testament to what is tadalafil and the treatment's incredible safety ratings. The testing and trials conducted on these tablets prove them safe to use, however like all medications, the occurrence of tadalafil side effects is still possible. 

Reports indicate that the common side effects often present themselves because of the following:

  • The body is becoming familiar with the compound.
  • Dose alterations were executed too quickly.
  • An allergic reaction.
  • Mixing medications that are contraindications including organic nitrates for angina.

The common side effects are mild and manageable by drinking water and resting. Generally, mild side effects are barely noticed and disappear on their own once the medication fully metabolizes. Adverse side effects are extremely unlikely, although they can happen and when they do present themselves, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately. To get more details regarding safe use or the full list of side effect, check the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) at our online hub.

Buy Tadalafil 10 mg for ED

So, you want to know where can you buy tadalafil? Reviews show that the best place to buy tadalafil 10 mg is online as they offer fast, efficient and discreet services saving patients time and money. The paperless buying process is done via registered pharmacy websites that have pop-up prompts for easy navigation. Online customer service personnel are also available to make the shopping experience more immersive.

So, now that you have the details about this medication and the incredible results it offers, we believe you are ready to see where can you buy tadalafil. When you buy tadalafil online, you get:

  • Affordable prices, the tadalafil cost online is always lower than pharmacy stores.
  • Buy generic Cialis online and receive a discount on bulk order.
  • Information and a full description on each treatment and the conditions they treat.
  • Discreet doorstep delivery within as little as 5 - 7 business days.
  • Customizable shipping options 
  • Neutrally packaged orders marked with plain labelling.
  • Secure payment platforms including VISA, MasterCard and Bitcoin (BTC).
Dr Sophia Miller
Medically Review by:

Dr Sophia Miller

Dr Sophia Miller was born in New York City, USA. As a young woman, she was always interested in science, specifically; chemistry and she was determined to pursue a career in the field.

Checked: 15th March 2023
Review Due: March 2024

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