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Tadarise is an ED medication manufactured by Sunrise Remedies in India. This treatment is a generic equivalent of Cialis, which can be purchased at a fraction of the price of the original brand, since its patent expired. So, how does tadarise work you ask? Keep reading to find out as we explain and show you what is tadarise.

About Tadarise

This product contains tadalafil, which is the active ingredient known for its lengthy duration of action (it lasts for up to 36 hours). The medication is available in varying doses of 20 mg, 40 mg and 60 mg. These dosages can be used depending on the severity of your condition and other deciding factors.

Tadarise dosages are available in hard tablet and soft tablet form, which dissolves under the tongue for rapid release of the active ingredient. The soft tablet formulation is ideal for those who dislike swallowing tablets and also for those who prefer fast-acting treatment. You can buy these potent ED pills from our established online pharmacy in a form you choose.

How Do You Know If You Need Tadarise?

Due to factors such as lifestyle habits and stress, there is a significant rise in the number of men experiencing erectile dysfunction. In fact, statistics show that at least thirty million men suffer from erection problems in the U.S alone and this is likely to increase in the coming years.

There are, however, certain distinguishing features that determine if it is necessary to obtain treatment for ED. It is advisable to begin this treatment if you experience any of the following symptoms in 75% of all sexual situations:

  • Inability to attain an erection that is suitable for sexual activity
  • Inability to maintain an erection during sexual activity
  • Marked decrease in erectile rigidity

More often than not, a loss of erectile function is caused by health complications, such as diabetes. Fortunately, this treatment offers a safe and effective solution to ED, even for those with certain medical conditions. In fact, studies show that tadalafil medication is well tolerated in men with diabetes. The patients of this study were able to significantly improve their ability to sustain (and maintain) an erection when using tadalafil medication, without any negative effects on their health.

In addition to physical conditions, psychological issues, such as anxiety, can also lead to ED, especially in younger men. Fortunately, it is also possible to use this medicine to treat ED due to psychological causes.

Although the unpleasantness of ED can have a significant effect on various areas of your life, the condition can be effectively managed with the use of this high-quality generic medication. Patients who buy this have reported that this medication has helped them regain a fulfilling sex life. If you are experiencing ED, you can buy Tadarise online through our easy checkout process.

Tadarise vs Cialis

This generic medication and Cialis are equivalent; meaning they have identical properties. Therefore, Cialis and its generic version are essentially the same in terms of their effectiveness and safety, the main difference being that the generic form is significantly cheaper. In fact, these medications work the same way and in the same amount of time as well. The primary differences between these treatments include there:

  • Appearances: due to trademark laws, generic manufacturers are not permitted to give their products the same appearance as the original branded medication. Therefore, the appearance of this generic is different to Cialis. Branded and generic Cialis pills differ in shape and color, as well as in their packaging too.
  • Names: in addition to the actual appearance of the medication, generic pharmaceutical companies are not permitted to give their products the same name as the original patented treatment.
  • Prices: the regulatory authorities do not require generic producers to reproduce expensive clinical studies to prove this medication is safe and effective for its intended use. These studies have already been conducted by the original manufacturer and therefore, do not have to be repeated by the generic manufacturer or recovered in the cost of treatment.

In spite of the reduced cost, generic Cialis medication maintains the high level of quality and performance you would expect from the branded medication. In tadalafil reviews, many patients state they prefer to use generic medication as it offers the same effects as the original, without the high price. You can order this medication online at competitive prices by completing the simple checkout process on our website.

Benefits of Tadarise

Patients who purchase Tadarise online in the USA have indicated they regularly achieve positive results when using tadalafil medication on both an as-needed and daily basis. Other advantages of this generic include the following:

  • The effects of tadalafil last up to 36 hours, which gives patients the opportunity for either planned or unplanned sexual intercourse. The long duration of effect of this medication essentially allows couples to engage in sexual activity at their convenience.
  • This treatment is available in various forms and strengths, allowing patients to treat their symptoms according to their needs and preferences.
  • Patients often report significantly improved erectile response and increased sexual satisfaction when using this medication.
  • This medication also enhances self-esteem and sexual confidence, which often has a direct effect on the quality of life of both patient and partner.
  • The side effects produced by this medication are mild and can be managed through simple everyday remedies, should the need arise.
  • This medication is substantially more affordable than the original version. In fact, you can buy generic Cialis for up to 85% cheaper than the brand-name tablet.
  • Patients can order this medication online from our trusted site that is available 24/7, which makes the medicine accessible at all times.

Patients have also reported a complete restoration of their sex lives, as per this products reviews. If you would like to experience these benefits for yourself, simply order this generic Cialis medication through our easy to use order form.

How Safe Is Tadarise

Studies on the active ingredient in this medication (tadalafil) have shown that this medication is safe, effective and well-tolerated. Generic Cialis medication can be used in long- or short-term treatment plans; depending on the preference and condition of the patient.

Although these pills are a generic medicine, it has the same level of safety as the branded treatment. This is owed to its effects of each tadarise dosage, which are identical to Cialis. Furthermore, the treatment is safe when taken on an as-needed, or once-daily basis, to enhance erectile function.

Furthermore, the FDA has a strict process in place that requires generic treatments to pass the same quality standards as the original patented medicines. Generic Cialis is entirely safe as the medication has been thoroughly tested and approved by the Indian FDA (a US FDA equivalent agency).

Patients must adhere to the recommended tadalafil dosage and usage guidelines, as well as be aware of the precautions and contraindications associated with this medication, to ensure safe treatment. This information can be found on the individual product webpages or by speaking to our customer service agents.

Why Are There Different Types Of Tadarise ED Drugs?

This medication is available in various strengths and formulations to meet the needs of patients as well as to accommodate their personal preferences. You can buy this medication online in standard (20 mg) or high-strength options, and choose a dosage depending on the severity of your symptoms. In addition, you can choose from sublingual soft tablets, which are fast-acting, and conventional hard pills, which take about 30 minutes to work.

When searching for this medication online on our website, you will find the following available dosages and forms:

Dosage Type of tablet Description
20 mg Regular hard tablet This is the most frequently used dose. It is commonly used for the treatment of moderate ED symptoms.
40 mg Regular hard tablet This dosage is used as part of an intensive treatment plan. These hard tablets are used for the relief of severe erection problems.
60 mg Regular hard tablet This is the strongest dose available. Men who have tolerated the 20 and 40 mg doses well and require a stronger treatment for severe ED usually choose this option.
Pro 20 mg Sublingual tablets (dissolve under the tongue) This generic Cialis treatment option is formulated as sublingual tablets. These soft dissolvable tablets are easy to take. They work rapidly and become effective within 15 to 20 minutes of administration.
Pro 40 mg Sublingual tablets (dissolve under the tongue) Tadarise Pro 40 mg, which is also available in soft tablet form, is used for intense ED symptoms.

If you would like to purchase this medication online in the USA and want to know more about various treatment options, you can contact a customer support consultant right here. Alternatively, if you have already made a decision, you can purchase the generic Cialis that is suited to you by placing an order on Wizz Pharmacy.

Which Tadarise Medicine Should I Use?

As mentioned above, the different generic Cialis formulations and dosages allow patients to choose a type of a medication that best suits their needs. While some patients opt for the basic hard tablets, others, who are looking for a treatment option that is fast acting and easy to swallow, often choose the soft dissolvable tablets.

In general, you can choose a dosage according to the following:

  • The 20 mg dose is recommended for moderate cases of erectile dysfunction.
  • The 40 mg dose is suitable for moderately severe to severe symptoms. This type of ED patient typically does not receive adequate treatment at lower dosages.
  • The 60 mg dose is the strongest treatment option for severe, difficult-to-treat erection problems. Patients, who tolerate the 40 mg tablet medication well and require more intensive treatment, choose this high-strength option.

When you have determined the most appropriate dose for your condition, another aspect to consider is the type of formulation you prefer. For those who dislike taking hard tablets, the sublingual form would be a better choice as the tablet dissolves in the mouth for easy administration.

Moreover, the sublingual form is fast acting and gets to work within 15 to 20 minutes. This makes this treatment option ideal for patients who need medication quickly, without having to plan ahead. Men who prefer to use this form can purchase this medication prescription free online in the USA right here, and choose between the 20 and 40 mg dosages.

What Are The Side Effects Of Tadarise?

Due to the bioequivalence of generic and branded Cialis, these treatments share the same tadalafil side effects. These adverse effects are known to be mild and easy to manage, according to patient reviews.

The undesirable tadarise side effects do not last for long periods of time. However, should it become necessary, these adverse effects can be treated with simple lifestyle adjustments, such as increasing your water intake, or home remedies. Alternatively, over-the-counter medication can be used for the management of tadalafil side effects.

Common side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Indigestion

The side effects associated with this erectile dysfunction medication are not a cause for concern. In fact, these secondary effects only affect a small percentage of patients who use the medicine. Patients who buy Tadarise are encouraged to closely adhere to usage and dosage advice as this will significantly reduce the likelihood of experiencing these symptoms.

Reasons To Buy Tadarise Online

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that can negatively affect a patient's general health and overall well-being. In the past, many men were left untreated because they did not know what is tadarise and did not want to visit a walk-in pharmacy to buy ED medication. But, with the development of online pharmacies, men are now more willing to seek treatment as they do not have to speak to someone face-to-face. This, together with the availability of affordable generic options, has seen a substantial rise in the sale of this medication.

When you order this ED medication online in the USA from our online pharmacy, you can expect the following additional benefits:

  • Encrypted payment channels that protect all information and transactions
  • Professional consultants that can be accessed through live chat, telephone or email
  • 24/7 consistent accessibility to our internet pharmacy
  • High-quality FDA-approved medications
  • Neutral packaging to protect your identity so that you may buy Tadarise discreetly
  • Speedy delivery of your tadalafil online order, direct to your front door

Buying online also comes with many other advantages. Find out more when you order Tadarise online today.

Dr Sophia Miller
Medically Review by:

Dr Sophia Miller

Dr Sophia Miller was born in New York City, USA. As a young woman, she was always interested in science, specifically; chemistry and she was determined to pursue a career in the field.

Checked: 15th March 2023
Review Due: March 2024

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