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Erectile Dysfunction Medication

  • By: Dr Sophia Miller
  • Jun 22, 2021
Erectile Dysfunction Medication

The medicine world has undoubtedly changed from the days of artificial leeches and amputation saws. Invasive treatment options steadily lost their appeal over the years and were discontinued for safer alternatives that were more effective and discreet. The most notable transitions were observed in the sexual treatment category, specifically in treatments aimed at managing erectile disorders (ED).

ED is a sexual condition that affects the way the penis functions. Men who have this disorder have trouble achieving/maintaining an erection rigid enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse. In the past, ED was a rarely mentioned topic that required invasive alternative therapies. This is why patients were not particularly interested in seeking treatment. 

Luckily, a new set of medicines was released in the 90s and subsequent years, which patients were more inclined to choose. The erectile dysfunction (ED) treatments were small, discreet pills that could be inconspicuously taken without fear. They caused no adverse or residual effects and changed the way patients saw their diagnosis for decades to come. 

Erectile Dysfunction Medication Options

In the past, the treatment of ED was defined by an unorthodox set of procedures that involved electric shock therapy, penile injections, suppositories, and vacuum pumps, which caused patients pain and embarrassment. In 1998, this changed as scientists chemically engineered erectile dysfunction medication options that would be completely non-invasive and safe to use in both long- and short-term treatment plans. This treatment was released under the brand name Viagra.

This oral tablet belongs to a class of medication called phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors and uses the active ingredient sildenafil citrate. This active ingredient later became a critical component in the fight against erection problems. It was used to create generic treatment options when Viagras patent expired. Other erectile dysfunction medication options such as avanafil, sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil were released in later years. These pills also helped patients manage and minimize their ED symptoms.

Erectile Dysfunction Medication Over the Counter

Over-the-counter (OTC) erectile dysfunction medication is typically sold directly to the patient. Patients who buy OTC treatments do not need a prescription or a medical practitioner note. Most pharmacies carry an array of OTC erectile dysfunction pills, each with its own capabilities. The most popular options are tablets that contain extracts of l-arginine, ginseng, yohimbe and propionyl-l-carnitine. According to patient reviews, these tablets are effective in short term treatment plans. Long term use is not advised as side effects become unpredictable and efficacy is lost over time.

Treatment options containing the active ingredient sildenafil, tadalafil or vardenafil are more appropriate for ED as their effects have been extensively studied. They also have a balanced safety and efficacy profile which means that their effects and side effects are more predictable. When choosing over the counter erectile dysfunction medication, here us what shoppers can expect;

  • Accessibility: OTC options are readily available at pharmacies and online retailers, eliminating the need for a doctors prescription.
  • Affordability: They are often more budget-friendly than prescription ED medications, making them a cost-effective choice.
  • Potential for Fewer Side Effects: OTC supplements, being naturally derived, may have milder side effects compared to prescription drugs.
  • Convenience: OTC products provide a discreet and convenient solution, allowing users to address ED on their terms.
  • Suitable for Mild Cases: They are effective for mild to moderate ED, offering a non-invasive treatment option.
  • Complementary to Lifestyle Changes: OTC ED medications can complement healthier lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise.
  • Professional Consultation: While OTC options are accessible, consulting a healthcare provider is still advisable to ensure the safest and most effective approach to managing ED.

Erectile Dysfunction Medication Without a Prescription

As the years go by, men are becoming more comfortable with disclosing their ED status. This is because medicine has moved leaps and bounds to tackle the condition safely and efficiently. If we look at the online market, there are numerous erectile dysfunction treatment options available for sale. Although each option is essentially different, their main objective remains the same-eradicate ED symptoms. Effective erectile dysfunction medication often requires a prescription however, online pharmacies such as ours offer these options to patients prescription free.

Obtaining and using erectile dysfunction (ED) medicines without a prescription offers several advantages. Firstly, online erectile dysfunction medications offer convenience and accessibility, as individuals can purchase these medications directly from online pharmacies, eliminating the need for a doctors visit. This approach ensures privacy and discretion, allowing users to address their ED concerns discreetly.

Additionally, online pharmacies often offer competitive pricing, making ED medications more affordable. The convenience of home delivery also saves time and effort. However, make sure to exercise caution, research the legitimacy of online sources, and consult with a healthcare professional if needed to ensure the safety and efficacy of the chosen erectile dysfunction medication options.

The medication can help patients restore normal sexual functioning/lives

A rigid erection that is achieved after stimulation and maintained during sexual intercourse satisfies both the patient and their partner. The improvement of sexual processes and functions caused by erectile dysfunction medication can also facilitate a healthy mind and body. According to trusted sources, regular sexual activity can improve many aspects of life.

Improvement of relationships

Although ED is a physical condition, it can affect the mental well-being and capabilities of patients. This leads to the deterioration of both romantic and platonic relationships. The use of erectile dysfunction medication alleviates issues associated with the condition, which improves patients mental, emotional and physical well-being. This helps them act and interact more appropriately, ensuring the stability of relationships.

Reduces long term risks and diseases

According to clinical trials, an ED diagnosis can be an indication of other conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Left untreated, ED can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Best Blood Pressure Medication for Erectile Dysfunction

Using any type of blood pressure medication, often involves drugs that manage hypertension while having minimal impact on sexual function. Among these, trials indicate angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are frequently considered favourable choices.

ACE inhibitors like enalapril and ARBs like losartan relax blood vessels, potentially improving blood flow to the penis and aiding in achieving and sustaining an erection. These medications are generally less likely to cause sexual side effects than other blood pressure drugs like beta-blockers or diuretics. The ideal choice depends on individual health factors, necessitating a discussion with a healthcare provider to find a suitable treatment.

Which is the Best Erectile Dysfunction Medication?

PDE5 inhibitors are the most effective medication for erectile dysfunction. This is due to their ability to manipulate the body into producing erections. Once consumed, these tablets relax tensed muscles in the penile region and widens blood vessels to accommodate an increased blood flow. This process leads to a rigid erection that is sustained until ejaculation.

Below is the most popular erectile dysfunction medication list:

Branded erectile dysfunction medication Active ingredient/Generic Version Description
Viagra Sildenafil This is one of the most popular ED treatments on the market. It has an excellent safety and efficacy rate and can be used by young adults and the elderly.
Cialis Tadalafil This pill has an extraordinarily long durational effects timeframe of 36 hours. Thus, it was nicknamed the weekend pill. It comes in two variations: daily dose and as-needed, which is used for long-term and short-term treatment plans, respectively.
Levitra Vardenafil This is a mild option that is often used in treatment plans that involve sensitive users. The tablet has a low side effect probability rate and is ideal for patients with eye problems.

Buy Erectile Dysfunction Medication Online

As we have shown, over the counter medication for erectile dysfunction can be effective, particularly for individuals with mild to moderate ED. These products often contain natural ingredients like herbs and amino acids that may enhance blood flow to the penis, aiding in achieving and maintaining an erection. However, their efficacy varies among users, and they may not work for everyone, especially those with severe ED. 

When it comes to attaining stronger ED pills to treat persistent symptoms, our online pharmacy offers more benefits and options to match individuals needs. When you buy erectile dysfunction medication online from our registered pharmacy site, you will benefit from the following:

  • Our website is easy to use and can be accessed using a browser from any laptop, PC, phone, or tablet.
  • Treatments can be purchased at any point of the day or night as we are always open.
  • Secure encrypted payment portals that process payments quickly and efficiently.
  • Orders are neutrally packaged and delivered to an address of your choice.
  • Support services that can be accessed via live chat, email, or telephone 24-7.
  • Several reliable payment options such as PayPal, Bitcoin, and more.
  • Lowest prices and promos and discounts are awarded to new users and bulk buyers when purchasing any options on our erectile dysfunction medication list.

Our online pharmacy is a leading prescription-free suppliers of authentic erectile dysfunction medications. We offer patients quality medication, supported by service from expertly trained customer service personnel. To enhance the pleasures in your love life, head to our homepage, follow some simple ordering instructions, pay using a secure payment method and you are done. Home delivery takes 5 - 7 working days and customer care is available 24/7.

Visit our homepage today for undeniable performance enhancement in your sex life.

Dr Sophia Miller
Medically Review by:

Dr Sophia Miller

Dr Sophia Miller was born in New York City, USA. As a young woman, she was always interested in science, specifically; chemistry and she was determined to pursue a career in the field.

Checked: 15th March 2023
Review Due: March 2024

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